Crisis management
Does your customer abroad have instructions in case things go south?
All of a sudden, the FASFC is at your door… and you are completely taken aback. What if your customer abroad did not inform you about a problem with your product? Does your cu...
Open sessie - Level 1 Crisismanagement
In deze opleiding wordt er ingezoomd op theoretische concepten rond crisismanagement en ga je naar huis met een algemene notie rond crisismanagement.
Open sessie - Level 2 Crisismanagement
In deze vervolgopleiding van 'Level 1 Crisismanagement' nemen we enkele case studies onder de loep en toetsen we de crisismanagementtheorie aan de praktijk.
A disaster occurs, and now?
It is 1 a.m., your cellphone rings. An extensive fire is raging in your company. The fire brigade is already there. You quickly summon the crisis team (not everyone can be reach...