Social media: a security risk?
Airing dirty laundry on social media
Do you know what you can find on social media about your company and employees? A sensitive consumer complaint (which might include a foreign body), pictures of your production line, information about certain systems... and access to your management's private pages with details about when they are travelling, where they live etc. This of course makes it very easy for (cyber)criminals to get started. Your employees, your (inactive) company page and all unofficial company pages are a security risk and have a negative impact on your reputation. What can you do about this?
When we prepare a simulation exercise, we take a look at the digital profile of the company in question. We often find confidential information on Facebook and Instagram. We use the information, profiles and complaints to point out possible risks to the company. If we are able to find this online, then consumers, future employees, customers and criminals will find it too. This has an impact on your reputation and on your company’s security (data breach, cybersecurity). It is therefore in your best interest to take a look at your online business identity. How do you tackle this?
Take a closer look at your company page
- Do you have an active Facebook page, perfect. Make sure that old complaints are no longer public.
- If you have a page but are no longer active, be sure to monitor it for complaints/questions. An external partner may be able to do this for you. This is only reactive. Even better is to communicate proactively, not only for advertising purposes, but to boost your company's reputation with positive news.
- If you don't have a Facebook page, consider creating one anyway. On the one hand, you have a medium to communicate in times of crisis. On the other hand, unofficial pages will inevitably be created (by contractors, employees, transporters).
Secure your employees' private pages
Create a social media policy and have it signed by the employees. Provide a training in which you explain what they can and cannot do on social media as an employee of your company, how they should secure themselves and why this is important (not only for the company but also for themselves).
Organising a cybersecurity session for your employees, during which we discuss how to open emails and text messages, how to use social media and how to choose passwords. We create awareness and train good reflexes.
Organising a ‘Reputation management and crisis communication for the communications manager’ session on 21/04 in Dutch and on 23/04 in French. In the morning we will discuss the key rules of crisis communication, how to deal with media and how to do PR. In the afternoon, there will be a camera training with practical exercises.
Organising a 'Social media policy' workshop on 23/03 in Dutch and on 26/03 in French. In this workshop we will discuss the formulation of a policy that defines the private and professional use of social media on and off the shop floor. How do you tackle this? What should be included? Which legal requirements does this have to meet?
Learning points
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