Why a membership?
Preparing your company for a crisis situation is a long-term job. We chose for a membership formula because we want to enter into a long-term partnership with your company. To this end, we draw up a custom-made plan to prepare your company for a crisis.
Learning points
The crisis as the new normal
For an increasing number of Belgian food companies, crises are no longer the exception, but the new normal. The days when a crisis was a clearly defined incident, are far behind...
Keep intruders out: strengthen your company’s physical security
Cybercrime often takes centre stage these days. But while digital firewalls are being fortified, physical gates are sometimes left wide open. As a food producer, your responsibi...
6 lessons from our Lunch & Learn “Sensitive Consumer Complaints”
During our Lunch & Learn “Sensitive Consumer Complaints,” experts and companies provided insights into how to effectively handle challenging complaints. You can find...