Crisis management in times of Covid-19
Tips for a digital crisis management meeting
It appears that the measures concerning meetings and telework are here to stay, affecting every crisis management team. There is always somebody in quarantine who has to participate remotely in crisis meetings. How do you avoid the loss of efficiency caused by the digital chaos?
Crises continue to occur, even in the middle of a pandemic. It is no longer certain that members of a crisis team are present at the company. Covid-19 has made us reach for tools to meet and work together in a new way. Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Webex form part of the 'new normal'. How can we use these tools in a crisis meeting so that the bull is still taken by the horns?
The Food Security team has come up with digital alternatives for all its courses, except for the simulation exercise. Up until now we have continued to provide this physically, of course keeping in mind proper hygiene. Based on the exercises, which were partly physical, partly digital, we have drawn up a few tips for dealing efficiently with a crisis in times of Covid-19.
Choose a secure tool that everyone knows & use its options
Ideally, a virtual meeting is started by the administrative support.
- Once everyone is virtually present, the 'room' must be locked in order to ban unwanted persons from your discreet meeting.
- The administrative support then shares his/her screen so that everyone can follow the logbook.
- Clearly define when you are discussing topics and when you are carrying out tasks (turn off micro & camera for a moment). Agree in advance when the meeting will continue.
- At the beginning of each meeting, consult every CMT member on additional information or to do’s. Use the logbook as a guideline. This way, you won't forget digital participants.
- Some tools offer a breakout room. This might be useful for subteams (communication or quality).
Provide proper infrastructure in your company
Since the chairman and administrative support work closely together, it is important that – if possible – they are physically in the same room. Provide a meeting room with video and microphone. This way the digital participants can see all attendees. A strong WiFi connection is therefore indispensible.
Give your crisis procedures a 'Covid-19 update'*
Covid-19 is widespread nowadays. Anyone can suddenly feel under the weather. It is therefore extremely important to have (multiple) backups for each role.
Given the changed work situation – some work from home, others go to the office – we want to point out the importance of good first-line procedures. Are both the landline and the GSM number included in the escalation procedure? Is everyone equally accessible? Does all information flow through to the CMT?
* See service number 3 of Food Security.
Organising a simulation exercise in times of Covid-19. Taking into account all corona measures, it is in most companies still possible to meet and/or practise in person with a limited group. This way we can uncover sore points linked to the current way of working.
Either proofreading existing crisis manuals and giving advice on how to optimise them or providing a “standard” manual which can be adapted to your own company.
NEW COVID-19:We assist you in updating your manual regarding the new – digital – way of working.
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