Open sessie - Food Defense
6 november 2025
Open sessie - Food Defense
Deze training helpt jou om de puntjes op de 'i' van jouw Food Defense Plan te zetten. We bespreken niet alleen het plan maar ook de mogelijke beveiligingsmaatregelen.
Deze training richt zich tot alle medewerkers die deel kunnen uitmaken van een Food Defense team (security, environment, QA, etc.).
Learning points
The crisis as the new normal
For an increasing number of Belgian food companies, crises are no longer the exception, but the new normal. The days when a crisis was a clearly defined incident, are far behind...
Keep intruders out: strengthen your company’s physical security
Cybercrime often takes centre stage these days. But while digital firewalls are being fortified, physical gates are sometimes left wide open. As a food producer, your responsibi...
6 lessons from our Lunch & Learn “Sensitive Consumer Complaints”
During our Lunch & Learn “Sensitive Consumer Complaints,” experts and companies provided insights into how to effectively handle challenging complaints. You can find...